Student Success: Perseverance Despite the Pandemic

Despite the uncertainties and hardships associated with the pandemic, students at Cal State LA proved to be resilient, resourceful, and hopeful. They joined together with friends, family, and community to create and maintain networks of support, express themselves creatively, and remain optimistic in the face of adversity.

Community Efforts


Tiffany, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020



Community-led food pantries were essential for the
survival of many facing job loss and supply shortages.


Carmen Hernandez, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020


Despite the looming threat of resource scarcity,
community members stepped up to provide
much needed goods to those around them.


Jesse Zacamitzin, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020


One student drew upon strength from
their faith and from
their church community
to get by during the pandemic.


Name withheld for privacy considerations, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020


Many students participated in efforts to
distribute food and supplies to those in their
communities who needed them most.

Finding the Bright Side: Family Support


Tiffany, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020



Other students found ways to care for loved ones
while maintaining safe social distance.


John Cochico, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020


Many students found themselves separated from
family during the 2020 holiday season and turned
to virtual meeting spaces to keep traditions alive.

“Now that Covid happened and lockdown forced everybody to move back home, I’ve been able to see my family all in one roof every single day and to be honest, I kind of benefitted from that mentally... But now seeing them every single day, it kind of gives me a sense of peace and comfort knowing that we’re all safe. I know where my dad is, or I know where my mom is, I know where my sisters are and so I was really comforted by that. Being stuck at home with my family, it wasn’t bad as I thought it would be. I thought I would be annoyed by them, or I’m sick and tired of them, no! That wasn’t the case at all. I think that me and my family’s relationship is pretty close. We don’t argue as much. We didn’t argue as much before Covid, and now coming into this still the same. I really enjoyed the time that I’ve spent here at home with my family.”

- Kaitlin Gallardo, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020

The effects of quarantine sometimes came with a silver-lining, as busy students found time to reconnect with loved ones in their households while under stay-at-home orders.


Yonglin Guan, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020


Some students felt that smaller gatherings
during important holidays offered an
opportunity to bond with close family.

Personal Reflection and Recreation


Joseph, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020


Despite feeling like a setback, quarantine offered
some students the opportunity to focus
on life goals and personal projects.


Lourdes Ambion, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020



Some students found themselves reflecting
deeply about their hope and aspirations.


Alex Nguyen, Pandemic Diaries Project, 2020


Despite the difficult reality of life during a global pandemic,
Cal State LA students showed resilience and inspiration,
fighting for social justice, keeping their families safe,
and looking out for the good of their communities.