The Ground Beneath Our Feet: A Hundred Years of Earthquakes in Los Angeles HomeAboutCuratorsStoryMap of LA EarthquakesExhibit1925 Santa Barbara Earthquake1933 Long Beach Earthquake1971 San Fernando Earthquake 1987 Whittier Narrows Earthquake 1994 Northridge EarthquakePhoto GalleryAdditional Info Gallery Faith Amongst the Rubble George Watson 1925 SANTA BARBARA EARTHQUAKEHistoric HotelUnknown 1925 SANTA BARBARA EARTHQUAKEA Quake and a ShaveUnknown 1933 LONG BEACH EARTHQUAKECommunity EffortBruce Cox 1971 SAN FERNANDO EARTHQUAKEAftermathAl Markado 1971 SAN FERNANDO EARTHQUAKEDisastrous Highway BreakdownAl Markado 1971 SAN FERNANDO EARTHQUAKEFallen DavidAl Schaben 1987 WHITTIER NARROWS EARTHQUAKEPermanently ParkedRolando Otero 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKERupturedPatrick Downs 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKEStrandedAl Seib 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKECity LimitsSteve Dykes 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKEThe Construction of a New BeginningUnknown / The Los Angeles Times 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKEWithout a FaceJoel P. Lugavere 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKEFoundations CollapseJoe Pugliese 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKEPractice Makes Perfect: “The Great ShakeOut”Allen J. Schaben 1994 NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKE