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Disruptors 046.jpg
A group of thirteen people pose for a photo with a sign advertising SURGE.

Disruptors 047.jpg
A man and woman pose together for a photo. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.

Disruptors 048.jpg
A woman and man pose together for a photo. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.

Disruptors 049.jpg
A woman and man pose together for a photo. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.

Disruptors 050.jpg
Two women pose together for a photo in front of a crowd of people in the background. Both people are wearing nametags with illegible text.

Disruptors 051.jpg
A group of four people pose together for a photo.

Disruptors 052.jpg
A group of six people pose for a photo

The closure of campus facilities including the library led this graduate student to seek alternate study spaces and conduct their research without the oral histories they had planned.

Discusses the issues undocumented business owners have during the pandemic, as well as the impact of stimulus checks (a total of $1,200, for the first check).

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