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A winning poster from the 29th Annual Virtual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities.
Winners Amanda Rodriguez and Karina Quiroz
B.A. Communication Disorders; B.S. Public Health
Addressing Oral Health Disparities in the…

This is a micro-documentary the documents the conservation between Meagan Amaral and her tía, Martha. This conversation explores self-actualization when coming to terms with queerness especially within Mexican-American culture, religion and family…

Some students found themselves reflecting deeply about their hope and aspirations.

As supplies ran scarce early in the pandemic, some people resorted to trading with family and friends in order to secure necessary items.

Discusses observations on P.O.C. having limited healthcare and resources, as well as racist slurs against the Asian community while in the pandemic.

Discusses what it’s like for food delivery in quarantine, as well as how people and businesses are adapting to serve the community.

As supplies ran scarce early in the pandemic, some people resorted to trading with family and friends in order to secure necessary items.

Many students explored new hobbies and interests while under quarantine.

For group 2050’s cultural product video, each groupmate explores the unique and diverse customs of Asian cultures. The Chinese folk dance the Song of the lotus, making Chinese string noodle, Asian plants in the U.S., the Filipino honoring…

Image of a Dcotor placing a heart on top of a small tree
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